[ Index ] [ Where to Play? ] [ What to Wear? ] [ Expense? ] [ How Difficult? ]
[ How Dangerous? ] [ National Organisations? ] [ History? ] [ Advanced Octopush? ]

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Q. Where can I play Octopush?

A. You can learn at a local club. The Information page gives you some suggestions for finding contact names and addresses.

Q. Do I need any special equipment?

A. Check out Gear and Squids for advice about equipment. If you are just starting the sport, don't invest in any special gear. An Octopush club will probably be able to lend you a mask, snorkel, fins and hat.

Q. Is it expensive?

A. If you join a club you will have to pay club fees. The amount you pay is at the discretion of the club but it probably includes the use of the pool. After that you can buy equipment as you need it. You may pay match fees if you take part in competitions.

Q. Is Octopush difficult?

A. If you can swim then you can soon learn to snorkel. After that you need to practise techniques and tactics with your coach and team. (See Playing the Game).

Q. Can you get hurt?

A. Octopush is a non contact sport but you may get the odd bump and bruise. Your hands and head in particular need protection so always wear the right gear. See Gear and Squids. There are strict rules to make the game as safe as possible and three referees who will watch out for any dangerous tactics.

Q. Where can I get advice and help about the sport?

A. The British Octopush Association are very helpful and actively encourage newcomers to the sport. See Information for details of contacts.

Q. How did Octopush start?

A. It was only invented in the 1954 as a winter activity for divers. (See Octopush Facts). It was recognised by the Sports Council as an official sport in 1996 although World Championships have been held since 1980.

Q. Is it possible to play the game at a high level?

A. Yes, Octopush is played at national and international level. Experienced players are invited for trials for the national squads.

[ Index ] [ Octopush Facts ] [ Gear and Squids ] [ The Game ] [ Information ] [ FAQs ]

copyright©1997 - British Telecommunications plc

Last modified on: Tuesday, July 1, 1997.