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In-Line Skating

[ About In-Line Skating ] [ Getting in Gear ] [ Let's Glide ] [ Information ] [ FAQs ]

pic2In-line skating, often called 'rollerblading', is a popular, fun sport for people of all ages. It is an excellent way to keep fit and is an activity that many sports' men and women take up to develop certain skills away from their own particular sport. For enthusiasts of the sport, in-line skating offers a chance to participate in fast-moving team games, races or artistic and acrobatic skating manoeuvres.

Whether you want to skate for fun or competitively, the sport has lots to offer. These pages give a glimpse of what it's all about so get your skates on and get ready to glide!

About In-Line Skating looks at the sport of rollerblading and gives a brief outline of how it came about. It also outlines how the sport has developed into a range of activities to suit all abilities and interests.
pic1Although you can pay a great deal for high quality boots, it is possible to buy reasonably priced gear that suits you and your pocket. Getting into Gear looks at the basic equipment you need to get started and suggests what to look for when you buy.
Check out Let's Glide for the basic skating manoeuvres and some ground rules so that you can enjoy your skating without causing a problem to others.
Want more information? Then take at look at the Information page for ideas of where to skate and who to contact about the sport.
FAQS lists some of the questions you might want to ask about in-line skating. Use these questions as a starting point for finding out what you want to know or as a checklist at the end to refresh your mind about the information you have read.

[ Index ] [ About In-Line Skating ] [ Getting in Gear ] [ Let's Glide ] [ Information ] [ FAQs ]

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Last modified on: Tuesday, July 1, 1997.