National Smile Week
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National Smile Week

18 - 24 May

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bulletShow Your Teeth You Care!
That's the message of National Smile Week. The campaign aims to highlight the importance of good health for your teams and gums.

Our teeth do much more than chew our food. They help up speak more clearly and they alter our expressions and the shape of our face. So it is vital to look after them.

Teeth can easily decay if they are not looked after. Fillings might help but eventually you could loose a tooth. Eating the right foods, brushing your teeth and regular visits to the dentist all help to fight decay and gum disease

bulletThe Campaign Week
This is a good time to get into good habits. The British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF)recommends that you:

  • Clean your teeth and gums twice a day using fluoride toothpaste
  • Cut down on sugary food and drink
  • You visit your dentist regularly


smile2The BDHF have produced lots of ideas to help you enjoy National Smile Week.

Contact them at:
The British Dental Health Foundation
Public Relations Department
Eastlands Court
Rugby CV21 3QP
Tel: 01788 541982


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Last modified on: Friday, March 13, 1998.