Health Promotion
pixel asthmaHealth Education Authority

Promoting Good Health

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The Health Education Authority, (HEA), provides information to the public throughout the UK about a range of health issues. It actively supports national and local events that are health-related. The Authority is funded by the Department of Health and provides an information service that works closely with medical services and Health Organisations. Its main aim is to raise public awareness about the causes, prevention and implications of various illnesses and medical conditions.

The HEA focuses on preventing disease and illness by:

  • producing booklets and leaflets that encourage people to recognise symptoms and get appropriate treatment

  • promoting ways that illness and health problems might be avoided, through immunisation and general health care

  • providing information about illnesses and various conditions

  • publishing advice about coping with an illness or a condition

  • working with national agencies to raise public awareness through national awareness weeks

Through its work, regionally and nationally, the HEA helps people from all walks of life lead healthier lives.

For more information and how to get in touch with your local Health Promotion Unit contact:

The Health Education Authority
Hamilton House
Mabledon Place
London WC1H 9TX
Tel. 0171 413 1891


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i  FreeTime Index i Aids i  Asthma i Eczema i Meningitis i Mental Health i Migraine i

Last modified on: Saturday, November 22, 1997.