[ Index ] [ Where to learn? ] [ Dry slope or snow? ] [ UK skiing? ] [ Buying skis? ]
[ Danger? ] [ Expense? ] [ Nordic and Alpine? ]

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 bulletQ. Where can I learn to ski?

A. The best place to learn is with an instructor either at a dry ski slope centre in the UK or at your ski resort. If you are planning to go on a skiing holiday, book a few lessons at a nearby dry slope - it will save time when you are holiday if you have some knowledge of the basics before you go.

 bulletQ. Is it better to learn on a dry slope or on snow?

A. All skiers have their own opinion about the benefits of both. Most expert skiers prefer snow but admit that a dry slope can give you practise all year round. [See About Skiing]

 bulletQ. Where are the ski slopes in the UK?

A. The major skiing centres in the UK are in Scotland, but there are dry ski slopes all around the UK. [See Information: Links]

 bulletQ. Do I need to buy my own skis?

A. Most centres and resorts will let you hire equipment. Often you hire the equipment as part of a package that includes tuition. [See Boots, Bindings and Skis]

 bulletQ. Is skiing dangerous?

A. There are accidents in skiing as there are in any physical sport. Generally, however, it's a fun, safe, family sport suitable for everyone from five to ninety-five. Listen carefully to your instructor and follow all the safety guidelines. [See On the Slopes]

 bulletQ. Is skiing an expensive sport?

A. Yes, it can be expensive if you buy all you own equipment. A cheaper option is to book a series of lessons or a holiday that includes equipment hire and tuition. Prices start from around £16 for two hours but there are special deals for a series of lessons or for group bookings.

 bulletQ. What is the difference between Nordic and Alpine skiing?

A. Alpine skiing is what we traditionally think of as skiing - with downhill slopes in mountain areas. Nordic skiing, however, is really the oldest form of skiing. It involves moving across country on skis and has now developed into a competitive sport with four separate events. [See About Skiing: Competitive Skiing].


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Last modified on: Thursday, December 18, 1997.