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| Where to Look
Contacts and sources of information include:
- Books, Magazines and Videos
- Ice Rinks
- Skating Organisations
- Web Links
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 | Books, Magazines and Videos
There are several books and videos available from good booksellers. Some tell you about ice skating as a sport but many are about popular personalities from the world of ice skating - particularly figure skaters and ice dancers.
There are several on-line magazines although some are primarily for American readers. Two with worldwide coverage are Ice skating International Online at http://www.crl.com:80/~iceskate/ and Blades on Ice at http://BladesonIce.com/mag/
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 | Ice Rinks
Ice rinks are, once again, popular with all ages and many are being updated to cater for their increased numbers. Some, such as Sheffield and Nottingham, have received special grants to develop their ice-skating facilities.
Many ice rinks have a small shop where they sell skates, but most beginners or fun skaters hire skates from the rink for a small charge.
All rinks have open sessions for fun skating and private sessions for those taking lessons. If you are interested in taking lessons contact your local ice rink for details (look in yellow pages under 'skating'). The rink will put you in touch with a qualified coach.
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 | Skating Organisations
NISA, The National Ice Skating Association (UK)
is the governing body for the sport of ice skating in the UK.
It is responsible for
- selecting and training the best skaters in the country to represent the UK in European, World Championships and Olympic games
- organising skating tests at local and regional levels
- holding the British Figure Skating Championships each year
- appointing and training ice skating judges, referees and officials
For more information contact:
The National Ice Skating Association
Essex CO11 1XG
Tel: 01206 396076
e-mail nisa@iceskating.demon.co.uk
The International Skating Union (ISU)
is the the overall governing body of the sport worldwide. It works with all the national associations and defines the rules for international competitions. (See International Skating Union at http://www.isu.org/)
The International Figure Skaters Association (IFSA)
is a newly formed international association open to all figure skaters.
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Here are just a few of the excellent skating sites currently on the web:
Ice Skating International Online
An international skating magazine
Torvill and Dean's Home Page
A site about this popular Ice-dance duo
Neil Wilson's Home Page
A site about this dynamic British Senior Men's Figure Champion
International Skating Union
Northern Ireland Skating Association
Blades on Ice
Ice-skating magazine on-line
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Copyright©1998 - British Telecommunications plc |
Last modified on: Monday, January 19, 1998.