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 | Welcome to Gymnastics
Gymnastics is a sport that requires a good level of overall fitness, hard work and a willingness to learn. Some of the fittest sportsmen and women are gymnasts. If you intend to pursue your interest to higher, competitive levels, you also need a commitment to training.
Every gymnast, however, has had to start by learning the basics. With a good attitude, when you have mastered the basics, you can enjoy the sport at your own level either as an individual or as part of a team.
Flip through these pages for some basic information if the world of gymnastics interests you! | |
 | About Gymnastics
You may think that gymnastics is a modern sport but, as a physical exercise, gymnastics has been with us for thousands of years. About Gymnastics briefly outlines the history of the sport and looks at those skills a modern gymnast needs to learn. | |
 | Get Organised
If you are starting out as a gymnast you will need some suitable clothing. You also need to arrange for coaching sessions or training. See Get Organised for some ideas. | |
 | The Basics
Although it is challenging to face the various pieces of apparatus, it is important to get the basics right. Safety, warm ups and good preparation are important if you are to tackle the more advanced aspects of gymnastics. Check out The Basics and find out what they are preparing you for. | |
 | Information
This section highlights some of the people and places who can give you more Information about gymnastics to help you to develop your interest further. | |
 | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Some of the common questions that people ask about gymnastics are included in the FAQs section. Use this section as a starting point for finding out what you want to know or as a checklist at the end to go over what you have discovered. | |
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| Copyright ©1997 - British Telecommunications plc | |
Last modified on: Tuesday, July 1, 1997.