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bulletQ. What's the best age to start gymnastics?

A. You can start gymnastics at any age and there are schemes available to help you get started. The British Amateur Gymnastic Association (See Information) supports several schemes that are run by schools, clubs and local groups.

bulletQ. Are there different types of gymnastics?

A. The sport of Gymnastics is now divided into several branches: artistic, rhythmic, acrobatic, aerobic and general. For information about each area see Modern Gymnastics.

bulletQ. What are rhythmic gymnastics?

A. They are gymnastic floor work set to music using some small apparatus such as a hoop, ball or ribbon.(See About Gymnastics)

bulletQ. Would I start on the apparatus as a beginner?

A. You would not start on the large apparatus such as the bars or the rings, but you will use mats for some basic floor work and possibly ropes and wallbars to help develop your strength and agility. You may even use the box in the early stages to practice some simple moves for vaulting. This basic training helps to improve your strength, rhythm, balance and flexibility. Even the top gymnasts do a lot of basic training.(See The Basics)

bulletQ. I would like to take part in competitions. Who can give me some advice about this?

A. If you are a gymnast already, your club or teacher will have all the information you need. If you want more information, then contact the British Amateur Gymnastic Association about their award schemes, events and competitions. Even if you don't take part you might like to go along to an event to watch the top gymnasts perform.

bulletQ. There are lots of famous gymnasts but I've heard Nadia Comaneci holds a special record. What is it?

A. Top-level gymnasts are amazing to watch and there have been some excellent performers at all the major events - Aleksandr Dityatin, in 1980, Olga Korbutt who captured the hearts of spectators in 1972 and Vera Caslavska in 1964 and 1968. Nadia Comaneci is remembered because she was the first gymnast ever to score a perfect 10 at the modern Olympic Games. She did this in 1976 at the Montreal Olympics scoring the maximum 10 seven times during the competition.

bulletQ. Do any of the gymnastic moves have special names

A. Many of them have technical names but some are named after famous gymnasts who first performed the movement eg. the Korbut, the Tkachev, the Gienger.

bulletQ. Why are gymnastics good for you?

A. Gymnastics are good for your overall fitness. They keep your body supple, strengthen your muscles and improve your balance and coordination.

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Last modified on: Tuesday, July 1, 1997.