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Welcome to Golf

  pic2If you've ever watched a golf tournament on the television or better still live, then you will understand the excitement that surrounds this sport - but it's not just a game for spectators! Anyone, male, female young or old, can enjoy playing this game just as much as the top professionals.

The game of golf is what you want to make it - tactical, technical, a game of nerves or just fun. It's current high profile through the media means that a lot of young people are now starting to play golf on a regular basis.

If you are interested in the game, and need some information, then check out these pages. to help you get to grips with the world of golf.


Join the Club

pic3Join the Club introduces you to the world of golf. It tells something about the game and where to go if you want to learn to play.

Irons, Woods and Putters

pic1Irons Woods and Putters looks at the basic golf equipment you need to get started.

Get into the Swing

pic4For some basic information about golf shots and golf etiquette, check out Get into the Swing


pic5The Information page gives you facts, addresses and a few hot links.


pic6Frequently Asked Questions from young 'want-to-be' golfers!

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[ Index ] [ Join the Club ] [ Irons, Woods and Putters ] [ Get into the Swing ] [ Information ] [ FAQs ]
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Last modified on: Tuesday, July 1, 1997.