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At this point you should have some idea of the type of dancing you would like to do. About Dance lists some of the dances that you might like to consider.


Dance classes

Dance classes are available in most cities and towns and are often well advertised in local newspapers or yellow pages. You may find out about local classes through family or friends. The most common forms of dance that are taught include ballet, tap, modern/stage/disco and ballroom. Dance teachers tend to specialise in one or two dance forms.

pic11Classes are usually held in local halls. The teacher will probably have classes for different ages and abilities so if you are just starting there is no need to worry about keeping up. Unless you book private lessons you will be in a class with others and the teacher will start you off in a beginner's class until you have 'found your feet'.

The length of the class will vary but most last between 45min and an hour. Costs vary too and these are at the teacher's discretion. Private lessons are generally more expensive.

Although you can learn to tap, ballroom or ballet dance for fun, these dances can also be used in performances to entertain others.


Dance groups

Some dances lend themselves to group work. Line, square and country dancing are very popular and may appeal to potential dancers as a fun way to learn to dance. The steps you learn are less formal than ballet, tap or ballroom dance steps and the dances concentrate more on shapes, movement and dance patterns.

pic12In group sessions you are more likely to get experienced dancers and beginners working together, with the more experienced dancers working with the teacher to help the newcomers.

While some groups do work towards a performance, many people join these classes just to participate in dancing. These classes are often advertised as Adult Education Classes so your local authority may provide a class you enjoy. Private dance teachers may also offer this type of session. Look out for advertisements in local shops and in newspapers.


Traditional dance

pic13Morris, sword, clog and ethnic dancing always arouse interest in the spectator. Irish dancing in particular has seen a strong revival through the high profile of the Riverdance production.

Such dance groups can often be seen at local folk festivals and fairs. If you are interested in joining one of them, the best way to become involved is to approach a group direct. Most traditional dance groups are keen to welcome newcomers.

Many traditional dances are fun but they do involve hard work and you need to learn intricate steps and movements that are special to that form of dance. When performing, costume, dress and footwear are important and will involve some expense.

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Last modified on: Tuesday, July 1, 1997.