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bulletQ. What's the best age to start dancing?

A. You can start dancing at any age but if you want to be a professional dancer you should consider starting as early as possible. Professional male dancers may start their training in their teens but often girls have started their training by the age of 12. It all depends on the type of dancing you want to do. (See Information).

bulletQ. How many different types of dancing are there?

A. The list of dances seems endless so it is useful to try to put certain types of dances into groups. The table in About Dancing gives you some information about dances that you can do alone, with a partner or in a group but you could also classify dances into other groups, eg those used for performances compared to those where everyone can take part.

bulletQ. Is dancing an expensive hobby?

A. For your basic items of clothing and footwear it is not too expensive. However, the cost of classes do vary and if you intend to take part in performances or examinations then the costs go up. (See Get Organised) and Now Dance)

bulletQ. Where is the best place to learn to dance?

A. The best place to learn is in a class or a group session. The type of group you join depends on the type of dancing you want to do. (See Now Dance).

bulletQ.I would like to be a professional dancer. Who can give me advice about where to start?

A. Many national dance companies welcome queries from potential dancers. Get in touch with the company's education officer for advice. Addresses of all the major companies can be found in a large library - ask the librarian for help. Information provides some contact addresses via the Internet.

bulletQ. I just want to dance to get fit and have fun.

A. Dancing is fun and if you do it regularly it will help to keep you fit. Try some country dancing, line dancing or even rock and roll! A dance teacher might offer group sessions for this type of dance or check out the Adult Education Courses offered by the local authority.

bulletQ. I love dancing but I don't feel as though I am any good at it. Should I try something else.

A. The main thing is that you enjoy it. Dancing is not just about knowing all the right steps - it is about enjoyment and expressing yourself. If it helps you feel positive about yourself then don't give up.

bulletQ. Is dancing good exercise?

A. Yes, it can improve muscle tone and help circulation and digestion.

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Last modified on: Tuesday, July 1, 1997.