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Mountain Biking

Frequently Asked Questions

bulletQ. Where is the best place to buy a bike?

A. A good cycle shop. There are several listed in your yellow pages so take your time and shop around until you find something that suits you. If you want to browse, there are several Internet sites that display information about the latest models. (See Sources of Information).

bulletQ. Are there different types of mountain bikes?

A. Most mountain are basically the same shape and follow a similar design. The differences lie in the materials used, the tyres and the extra features. It is possible to have a mountain bike custom built to your special requirements. (See About Mountain Bikes).

bulletQ. Is mountain biking an expensive hobby?

A. A bike is the most expensive item you will need. Prices start from around £150. You do need some other basic equipment such as clothing and a tool kit, but once you have bought your bike, the other items are relatively inexpensive. It costs nothing to go out cycling for the day other than money for food and drink. In return you get excitement, enjoyment, a chance to see new places and you become fitter! (see Getting Started)

bulletQ. Some of my friends went to a centre where they were taught to jump logs. Is that hard to do?

A. It isn't that easy but with practice you should soon learn this skill. Look at Learning the Basics for some information about this. It is a good idea to spend some time at a centre, perhaps with your friends. You'll be surprised how much you can learn in a short time. It will help you enjoy this sport much more. (See Sources of Information).

bulletQ.I am worried about having a problem with my bike when I am out in the country.

A. Before you go too far away from home, it is worthwhile learning how to do some simple repair jobs yourself. You will find that you can tackle most problems that arise with a few basic tools. Getting Started lists the tools you need.

bulletQ. What would happen if I had an accident in while biking off the road?

A. Safety is very important when cycling and you should always carry a small first aid kit for emergencies. A good steel whistle may help to alert someone nearby if you can't walk. Before you set off anywhere, tell someone exactly where you are going, your route and when you expect to be back. If you don't return when you are supposed to, they can raise the alarm so that someone can come and find you. (See Learning the Basics: Safety).

bulletQ. Are bikes really light enough to carry?

A. Yes, they are made of special alloys that are lightweight but strong. (See About Mountain Bikes).

bulletQ. Where do people go on their bikes?

A.You don't usually have to travel very far from home to find somewhere suitable to cycle off the road. For ideas of more adventurous locations, surf the net for while and look at some of the sites put together by biking enthusiasts and biking clubs.

bulletQ. What sorts of clothes should you wear for mountain biking?

A. This will depend on the weather and the time of year. See Getting Started for some suggestions.

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Last modified on: Tuesday, July 1, 1997.