An example of socio-historical contextual information being used in a more effective way

Sample essay 1: 'Dr. Faustus is a morality play without a moral.' Discuss.

This is an extract from the essay:

'Religious debate also comes into the play in the comic scenes concerning the Pope. There is a great deal of anti-clericalism in these scenes (an idea brought forward with the development of Protestantism), with the Pope portrayed as being gluttonous, foolish and generally un-Christian,

False prelates, for this hateful treachery
Cursed be your souls to hellish misery. (III.ii.53-54)

However, as stated by Wilson in Marlowe and the Early Shakespeare, in regard to Faustus’ fate and religion there is no talk of predestination or whether Faustus was a member of the elect or reprobate, which again was an idea brought forward in the development of Protestantism, Calvinism in particular (Wilson, 1953). It is clear that Faustus’ damnation is due to his own faults and persuasions of other characters.'

Q. Why is this effective?


The essayist uses information (drawn from secondary reading) on the religious context in which Dr. Faustus was written to make an interpretative point about the play which furthers the argument that it is a tragedy rather than a morality play.

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