Sample essay 3: 'Tragedies portray societies which are caught between conflicting value systems.' Discuss with reference to one or more plays.
This is an extract from the essay:
Q. How could this be improved?
The essay is asserting that audience reactions to Faustus damnation would differ depending on whether they were Catholics or Protestants - a possibly valid and interesting comment. However, the account given of religious change during the period is confused. It is not clear who exactly 'the king' is, or over what length of time these changes were occurring. The explanation of different attitudes towards repentance and damnation is also unclear. The student obviously has some awareness of the religious turmoil which existed in England at certain points in the sixteenth century, but their attempt to summarise this contextual information has led to inaccuracy. The work would be improved if the point being made was explained more clearly and in greater detail, and the historical facts double-checked.
Click here to see other examples of socio-historical contextual information being used in a less effective way