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In developing interfaces for safety critical systems, designers must identify priorities with respect to the different errors and the different hazards that are associated with the system. How can early models of the evolving design be used to identify those priorities? How can the possible errors be identified and their effects be modelled? How can the severity or impact of those effects be computed? And how should the designers understanding of the impact of an error be reflected in requirements and in the emerging design? This work was conducted in collaboration with Chris Johnson at Glasgow.
1996 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison Impact and the Design of the
Human-Machine Interface. In Compass 96, Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference on Computer Assurance. pp 161 - 170, ISBN 07803-3390-X,
A shortened version of this paper has been selected from the conference
to appear in IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine.
1996 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison Risk Analysis, Impact and Interaction Modelling. In Proceedings of DSVIS 96, F Bodart & J Vanderdonckt (eds.), Springer.
1996 Andrew Dearden & Michael Harrison. Impact as a Human-Factor in Interactive System Design. In Safety-critical Systems: The Convergence of High Tech and Human Factors. Felix Redmill & Tom Anderson (eds.), pp 184 - 199, Springer.
1995 Andrew Dearden & Michael Harrison Formalising Human Error Resistance and Human Error Tolerance. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence in Aerospace Systems. Guy Boy (ed.), EURISCO.