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Interactive Case Memories

An Interactive Case Memory is a software system that interacts with a user
to refine the users understanding of their current problem, and to retrieve cases
that may be used in solving that problem. Interactive case memories support
case-based reasoning, but do so by taking the tasks of describing the new problem,
and assessing similarity/utility of previous cases, and sharing these tasks
between the human user and the software artifact.


Andrew M. Dearden
The use of Formal Models in the Design of Interactive Case Memory Systems
DPhil thesis, University of York, 1995.

1995 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison. Modelling Interaction Properties for Interactive Case Memories. In Paterno' F. (ed.) Interactive
Systems,:Design, Specification and Verification , pp 301 - 316, Springer.

1995 Andrew Dearden.  Improving the Interfaces to Interactive Case Memories. In Ian D Watson (ed.) Progress in Case Based Reasoning,
pp 73 - 84, Springer.

1997 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison. Abstract Models for HCI. Int. J. Human Computer Studies 46(1), pp 151 - 177.

1997 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison. A Software Engineering Model for Case Memory Systems. The Computer Journal 40(4), pp 167 - 182.

My initial ideas for Interactive Case Memories were developed in the context of
a project on help desks.