Submitting your Application

How do I submit?

There are two parts to this.

Part one: Complete the appropriate application form for your fellowship category and send it to your chosen referees. Make sure you have also either sent them or provided the link, to the correct Referee Statements on the TALENT site. They should then corroborate your claims in their statement and return their form to you. One of your referees must also confirm they have observed your practice.

Part two: When you have received and reviewed your Referees Statements you should send them together with your application form to Remember that these statements form part of your evidence so if they don’t deliver what you require, you are perfectly entitled to ask them to rewrite or to choose a different referee.

Please submit your application and referee statements as Word documents to avoid any accessibility and/or processing issues.

When can I submit?

You may submit at any time but deadlines will usually be termly with the specific dates announced on the TALENT calendar.

It is really important to select your referees and secure their approval in good time. If you are aiming for a specific deadline you will need to leave time for them to produce their statement and for you to ask for any changes to be made before you can submit.

You will receive confirmation of receipt and your submission will be allocated to the next available Review Panel.

A full explanation of how your submission will be evaluated including how you will receive notification of the outcome, can be found on the Review Process page.

The timeline of this process from submission deadline to confirmed outcome is approximately 8 weeks.