All submissions must conform to accessibility regulations.
   You may submit in a written or recorded verbal/digital story format – or any combination of both.  
   All requirements are clearly outlined on the relevant application form.
   The maximum word counts stated should not be exceeded, to ensure fairness and consistency
   in the review process for all applicants

Quick links:
Associate Fellow
Senior Fellow
Principal Fellow

Associate Fellow (D1)

Context Statement (optional – not assessed and not included in overall word count)
3 minutes verbal/digital story or 300 written words max.

Overall word count
When selecting your case studies below you should bear in mind that you are aiming to produce approximately 15 minutes verbal/digital stories or 1,500 written words in total with an absolute maximum of 20 minutes verbal/digital stories or 2,000 written words. Within those boundaries, however, there is considerable flexibility and it is up to you to decide both how many case studies you produce and how long each case study should be depending on the scale and depth of each.

A range of Reflective Case Studies
Variable but to a suggested minimum of 3 minutes verbal/digital story or 300 written words each. 

Reference List (not included in overall word count)
500 words max – written only. 

Two Referee Statements
Approx. 5 minutes verbal/digital story or 500 written words
At least one must be a Hallam employee; 
At least one must be a Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow;
If one of the referees is both a Hallam employee and a Fellow/Senior/Principal Fellow then the second referee can be either Hallam or External and may or may not hold a category of Fellowship. 
Referee one should confirm that a practice observation has taken place.

Combined total max (Reflective Case Studies):
20 minutes verbal/digital stories or 2,000 written words  (not including referee statements)

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Fellow (D2)

Context Statement (optional – not assessed and not included in overall word count)
3 minutes verbal/digital story or 300 written words max.

Overall word count
When selecting your case studies below you should bear in mind that you are aiming to produce approximately 30 minutes verbal/digital stories or 3,000 written words in total with an absolute maximum of 35 minutes verbal/digital stories or 3,500 written words. Within those boundaries, however, there is considerable flexibility and it is up to you to decide both how many case studies you produce and how long each case study should be depending on the scale and depth of each.

A range of Reflective Case Studies
Variable but to a suggested minimum of 5 minutes verbal/digital story or 500 written words each. 

Reference List (not included in overall word count)
500 words max – written only. 

Two Referee Statements
Approx. 5 minutes verbal/digital story or 500 written words
At least one must be a Hallam employee; 
At least one must be a Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow;
If one of the referees is both a Hallam employee and a Fellow/Senior/Principal Fellow then the second referee can be either Hallam or External and may or may not hold a category of Fellowship. 
Referee one should confirm that a practice observation has taken place.

Combined total max (Reflective Case Studies):
35 minutes verbal/digital stories or 3,500 written words  (not including referee statements)

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Senior Fellow (D3)

Context Statement (optional – not assessed and not included in overall word count)
3 minutes verbal/digital story or 300 written words max.

Overall word count
For the reflective narrative and case studies below you may choose to vary the word/time count for each piece. However, you should aim to produce approximately 60 minutes verbal/digital stories or 6,000 written words in total with an absolute maximum of 70 minutes verbal/digital stories or 7,000 written words.

Reflective Narrative
Variable up to a maximum of 30 minutes verbal/digital story or 3,000 written words.

Two Case Studies
Both are variable up to a maximum of 25 minutes verbal/digital story or 2,500 written words each.

Reference List (not included in overall word count)
500 words max – written only.

Two Referee Statements
Approx. 5 minutes verbal/digital story or 500 written words

At least one must be a Hallam employee; 
At least one must be Senior or Principal Fellow;
If one of the referees is both a Hallam employee and a Senior/Principal Fellow then the second referee can be either Hallam or External and may or may not hold a category of Fellowship. 

Referee one should confirm that a practice observation has taken place.

Combined total max (Reflective Narrative & Case Studies):
70 minutes verbal/digital stories or 7,000 written words  (not including referee statements)

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Principal Fellow (D4)

Context and Leadership Statement (not assessed/reviewed)
3 minutes verbal/digital story or 300 written words max

Record of Strategic Educational Impact (RSEI) (not assessed/reviewed)
Maximum 10 x 25 word entries = 250 words

Overall word count
For the case studies below you may choose to include three case studies with a higher word/time count each or four case studies with less word/time count. However, you should aim to produce approximately 70 minutes verbal/digital stories or 7,000 written words in total with an absolute maximum of 80 minutes verbal/digital stories or 8000 written words.

Three or four Case Studies
70 minutes verbal/digital stories or 7,000 written words or a combination of verbal and written based on the proportions of 1 min=100 words.

Reference List (not assessed/reviewed)
500 words max – written only.

Three Advocate Statements
Approx. 5 minutes spoken pre-recorded or 500 written words each (guide only)
At least one must be a Hallam employee;
At least one must be external to Hallam;
One, at least, must hold a category of Advance HE fellowship.
One of your three Advocates must comment on how you have influenced their practice.

Combined total max (Case Studies):
80 minutes verbal/digital stories or 8,000 written words  (not including advocate statements)