How does the process work for Principal Fellow candidates?
The Hallam Principal Fellow (PF) Network (current chair/lead: Christine O’Leary) leads the D4 support programme for the TALENT scheme, with support from the active University PF community, the Global PF network, aspirant PF peer-support, and internal mentors drawn from the SHU PF Network.
Our Principal Fellow support is currently offered through a cohort-based approach. Feedback from our participants to date unanimously agrees that the positive nature of forming a supportive cohort is the key to successful outcomes.
Our support programme is designed for a minimum of 4 and maximum of 12 participants per cohort on an annual rolling programme depending on demand. Exact timings may vary but cohorts will span one academic year or equivalent. Candidates, who are unable to complete as planned or are unsuccessful, will have the opportunity to join the next available cohort and/or continue working on their application with their allocated mentor, depending on needs and/or the feedback received. Advice will be given by the Network Chair as to the best course of action.
How do I register on a D4 cohort?
All D4 enquiries will be referred to watch an explanatory video (available soon), undertake the Advance HE Category tool and access all guidance materials from the website. This will be followed up by a 1:1 conversation prior to registration with the PF Network Chair, to discuss their record of strategic educational impact (RSEI) and thus ascertain the appropriateness of registering at that time. If appropriate, candidates may register for inclusion in the next available cohort. If not, ongoing support will be provided through the PF Network activities and normal professional development reviews to help with a future registration.
How does the cohort support programme work?
Applicants will be offered a programme of Workshops and Writing Retreats with a pre-set pattern and offer, outlined at the start of each cohort. This offer will include brief presentations and workshops with external experts to examine in more depth what is required in terms of identifying appropriate strategies, interventions and evidence. Other workshops and retreats will focus on coming together for mutual support, progress checking, and feedback on drafts. In addition, mentor support from trained PFs will be allocated to candidates, as required.
Mentors can be allocated from amongst willing and trained members of the University Principal Fellows Network. This support offer is optional and in no way affects access to the ongoing support offer from the TALENT team. If you do not wish to be allocated a mentor please let the TALENT Team know at .
Your mentor has been asked to follow these overarching guidelines:
- Focus on positive feedback – be an encouraging critical friend
- Encourage engagement with the pedagogy of teaching and learning
- Encourage reference to/surfacing of inclusive practice approaches within submissions
- Avoid giving opinions on probable outcomes
- As with all aspects of the TALENT scheme, all communications between you must remain confidential.
In addition, it is important to manage expectations regarding the volume of communication and support. Please be aware that although Mentors have undertaken training in supporting TALENT, they are doing this work in their own time:
- This should remain flexible and be agreed between you at the start.
- It is important to maintain reasonable expectations given that other support in the form of Writing Retreats, run by the TALENT scheme, remain available to you.
- Consider agreeing a maximum number and length of meetings and/or feedback provisions at the outset.
- The responsibility for requesting and organising meetings normally rests with you once the plan has been agreed
Please do not put your mentor in a difficult position by asking their opinion on whether you are likely to pass or not.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this scheme and enhance the scheme over time, we will ask you to complete an evaluation form once you have submitted your application and will record details of the type and volume of support provided by your mentor. This information will not be available to reviewers or play any part in the reviewing of your submission.
The choice of advocates is an important one and you should think carefully about who to ask. Advocates will be reading your completed submission and providing you with a statement that endorses what you have stated in your claim. As such it is helpful for them to be aware of the requirements of Principal Fellowship and ideally would have this title themselves (although this is not a requirement).
You are responsible for submitting their supporting statements to the TALENT scheme alongside your main application and should note that the reviewers will be reading their statements carefully as part of your submission evidence. At times, regarding evidence that is not clear in your main submission, a reviewer might use what the Advocate statement confirms as the additional assurance they need to make the Award.
Submission to TALENT can take place at any time, during the Support Programme or by the set deadline. All submissions must be completed using the appropriate templates and conform to accessibility and inclusivity guidelines.
Review and Assessment
Once submitted to TALENT the completed application will be sent to 2 peer reviewers (PFs) plus the Scheme external* for independent review following the set deadline. This will be overseen by a PF Panel Chair, with the final outcome decided at the nearest Standardisation Panel.
New PFs and the external will form the initial internal review team. Training will be provided from within the PF Network.
The PF Panel Chair will be present at Standardisation Panels. Two PF Reviewers will be required at the Standardisation Panel as a minimum to ensure consistency across applications: the Chair of the PF network plus one more. In exceptional circumstances (e.g., illness), the Chair can nominate an experienced PF Review Panel Chair as an alternative to attending.
Exemplar submissions or part submissions for D4 are in development and will be an organic part of the guidance and support we provide. As we have done with exemplars for D1 – D3, we will attempt to create exemplars that relate to different roles and contexts. These will not necessarily be exemplars that model excellence. They are more likely to be ‘flawed’ but containing comments that indicate positive or negative aspects of what has been produced.
Resources and Support
Principal Fellow criteria and submission requirements
Advance HE guide – Principal Fellow PSF 2023 Dimensions
Application Form and Advocate Template
Join the Sheffield Hallam Principal Fellow Network
Join the Advance HE Connect Group: Aspiring Principal Fellow Network
Celebrating our Hallam Principal Fellows: 2023 and 2024/25