Applied Route to Teaching in Higher Education (ARTHE)

Successful completion of this programme leads to recognition as an Associate Fellow (D1).

About the programme

This programme is aimed at postgraduate research studentsgraduate teaching assistants, Associate Lecturers, Post-docs and G6 lecturers with little/or no experience in teaching and/or supporting learning in higher education (HE) and without a full-time teaching load. It is part of our determination to ensure that professional recognition is an inclusive option and open to as many people involved in teaching and/or supporting learning at Hallam, as possible. The programme is undertaken in two parts and introduces core teaching and learning skills followed by application of practice which facilitates autonomy in developing learning and teaching capability. It is underpinned by the Professional Standards Framework (PSF 2023) which is globally recognised for benchmarking success within HE teaching and learning support. Part 1 – Core Teaching and Learning Skills This is a basic introduction to teaching and learning in higher education, made up of four 3 hour sessions for which no previous teaching experience is required. We would expect participants to be drawn from Associate Lecturers, Post-docs and G6 lecturers. Another such course is the Teaching Skills for Doctoral Students (TSDS) led by the Researcher and Innovator Development Academy (RIDA) and primarily aimed at doctoral students (PGRs, GTAs). No summative assessments are involved at Part 1 although a certificate of completion is required to progress to Part 2. Part 2 – Applied Practice Sessions Led by TALENT and made up of a further five half day sessions and a full day writing retreat, for which a minimum of 15 hours teaching and/or supporting learning experience must have been undertaken in advance. Successful completion of both parts of the programme is required to secure an award as an Advance HE Associate Fellow.  Note: it is quite common for there to be a significant gap between the Parts 1 & 2, in order to build the pre-requisite 15 hrs teaching experience.  

Why is this relevant to me?

As a doctoral or post-doc student or as a new lecturer with a limited range of teaching activity and experience, this programme supports your professional development and teaching capability and contributes to developing transferable skills which will enhance your employability. Gaining professional recognition from Advance HE fellowship is a portable asset which will support any career plans you have.

Read about a recent PhD student/GTA’s experience of applying for Associate Fellowship through this route, plus six useful tips for success!

What do I need to do to join?

You will need to gain permission from your line manager or supervisor and may want to discuss it as part of your induction or early Professional Development Review (PDR). Course details (dates, times and registration instructions) will be publicised through the TALENT pages, the Researcher and Innovator Development Academy (RIDA) and university academic staff communication channels. To register and find out more about the programme, please email  

What will my commitment be?

Once you’re registered, it is expected that you will:

  • Attend all of the workshop sessions for which you are registered.
  • Participate in pre- and post- workshop tasks as requested.
  • Undertake a minimum of 15 hours of teaching/supporting learning before registering for Part 2 of the programme.

Authenticate your effective practice through:

  • Being observed by a member of the programme team
  • Being observed by supervisor/tutor colleague
  • Gathering evaluation feedback from students
  • Complete your assessment portfolio of short teaching reflections (1500 words in total)