
Whats the differenece between Supplements and ergogenics?

-It is firstly important to separate the terms 'supplements' and ' ergogenic aids' as these are frequently intertwined.  A supplement can be characterised by a product that is used in order for an athlete to attain a nutritional requirement that they may be lacking in their diet. Supplements are a means of consuming a deficiency in a more effective and convenient way than through the diet.  An ergogenic aid can be defined as a product that an athlete uses in order to enhance and utilize energy expenditure and components such as speed, power, and endurance. Athletes frequently use ergogenic aids to improve performance and increase their chances of winning. These include mechanical aids, pharmacological aids, physiological Aids, nutritional aids, and psychological aids.

-Some supplements have a direct or indirect effect upon performance, whilst other are just simple used for the maintainence of health rather than for any performance enhancing qualities.

-Supplements when used in the correct way can be used to enhance perfomance. Water Polo athletes can use supplements or ergogenics to there advatage to obtain that vital edge over there competitiors.


The prevelance of supplements and ergogenics is higher no than is ever has been before!

***If a athlete has some form of known defficnecy they should consult their GP for full infomation on the corrcect way to medicate it.......

Common supplements used by water polo athetes..

Many professional water Polo players atletes take some form of supplement as there are more and more avalible on the market, with more and more athletes choosing to take them.

The following supplements have the msot support with-in the scientific literture to support there effcetivness and are commonly taken by water polo players:-

Caffeine:Has glycogen sparing components. encourages muscle activiation and recruitment. Us usually used pre-event.

Antioxidants:Reduce the effects of freeradicals in the body. aid the recovery process. Also know to aid absorption

Fish Oils: Used for recovery and the immune system. Help maintain bone helath. Can also be usedin the case of an injury as research hsows they have Antinflammatory Effects.

Probiotics: Help maintain Gastrointestinal health.Used to attack waste products and potential harmeful foreign bodies.

Multivitamins: Mulvitamins are usually used by athletes to insure a healthy balance of vitamins is ion the body. Some athletes may find it hard to assertain the required vitamins through there die, so multivitamins is an alternative approach.

Protein: Protein supplements have several uses. They can be used by vegetarians or by means of a deficinecy or it can be used a


Some athletes used sustnaces that have a more direct effect upon performance with the ultimate goal of improvemng performance. These are known as ergogenic aids.

Ergogenic aids have several uses. These include power, strength, buffering, energy utilization and many more.

What ergogenic aids may be approriate to enhance water polo performance?
Beta alanine:Relatively new ergogenic aid. Eleveates muscle carnosine levels, enhnaces the buffering of hydrogen ions (H+). Allows player to maintain maximum power output for longer.

HMB (Hydroxymethylbutyrate):Has protein building qualities. Can delay the onset of muscle sorness for those athletes training at a intense and frequent level. Decreses protein breakdown from hard workouts.

Creatine: Increases muscle growth, aids the phosocreatine system.

Glutamine: Muscle glycogen replenishment. Usually used in the case of multiply bouts of training over one day or consecutive days.


Are dietary supplements different from foods and drugs?

Although dietary supplements are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as foods, they are regulated differently from other foods and from drugs. Whether a product is classified as a dietary supplement, conventional food, or drug is based on its intended use. Most often, classification as a dietary supplement is determined by the information that the manufacturer provides on the product label or in accompanying literature, although many food and dietary supplement product labels do.

What claims can manufacturers make for dietary supplements and drugs?

The types of claims that can be made on the labels of dietary supplements and drugs differ. Drug manufacturers may claim that their product will diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent a disease. Such claims may not legally be made for dietary supplements.

Who tests supplements?

Manufacturers of dietary supplement products are required to use "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMPs) and are solely responsible for their content. The manufacturer is also responsible for ensuring that the "Supplement Facts" label and ingredient list are accurate, that the dietary ingredients are safe, and that the content matches the amount declared on the label.



Water Polo Nutrition

Created By Kirsty Francis