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Where to Look

Contacts and sources of information include: pic22

  • Books, Videos and Magazines
  • Clubs and Teams
  • Organisations
  • Sports Shops
  • The Internet

Books, Videos and Magazines

Hundreds of books have been written about football. Some are about players, managers or clubs, some are about the sport or its history, others are about how to play the game. Browse round any good bookshop and you will see shelves of books all dedicated to football.

Popular titles include:
England, The Official FA History by Niall Edworthy (ISBN 1852276991 pub. Virgin)
The Sunday Times Illustrated History of Football 1997 by Chris Nawrat and Steve Hutchings (ISBN 0600592685 pub. Hamlyn)
Football Record 2 by Jim Drewett and Alex Leith (ISBN 1852276193 pub Virgin)
The Official FA Premier League Football Guide by Gavin Hamilton (ISBN 1858683270 pub. Carlton)
The Young Soccer Player by Gary Lineker (ISBN 0751351652 pub. Dorling Kindersley)

For books about individual clubs, contact the club shop based at the ground to see what they have in stock.

There are almost as many videos about football as there are books. As with books, there are videos about individual clubs, some that take a humorous view of the game and others that show you how to play the game. Most premier clubs have an end of season video showing the season's highlights. Some top clubs, release videos regularly throughout the season to update fans about the club scene.

There are many magazines that cover the football world, including Shoot, World Soccer and several that are dedicated to individual teams.


Teams and Clubs

Clubs are affiliated to local leagues. All their players are registered with the the local league so that they can play in league matches and cup competitions. Most clubs run teams for different age groups starting with Under 10s. Club committees raise funds through subscriptions or various fund raising activities. The funds are used to support teams, to buy football kits for the players and to provide trophies at the end of the season.

For information about local clubs and teams, contact the local league secretary. Details can be found in local sports papers.



pic24 Local leagues
These are affiliated to a national league structure.

The Football Association
The FA are the leading organisation for football in England. The Scottish FA has similar responsibilities in Scotland.
The headquarters of the FA are at:
16 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3LW

Fifa is the world governing body for the sport.
Their information page can be found at http://www.fifa.com/index.htm


Sport Shops

Most sports shops stock a wide range of football gear and accessories. They are happy to give advice about what you need. Professional clubs have shops at the club ground. They stock a range of goods for fans and supporters and many of them provide mail order catalogues.


The Internet

There are literally hundreds of sites on the web about football. Many are written by fans for fans. Some are produced by professional and amateur clubs. Here are just a few:

The World Cup

International Soccer Net

International Soccer Cybertour

Fifa On-line

Carling Net

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Last modified on: Thursday, December 4, 1997.