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Where to Look

If you want to learn more about fishing here are some suggestions.

Basic information about the sport and equipment is available from a number of sources including: pic21

  • Books, magazines and videos
  • Angling and Tackle Shops
  • Angling and Fishing Clubs
  • Organisations and Societies
  • The Internet: Web links

Books, Magazines and Videos

There are lots of books, magazine and videos available about the sport of fishing. Check out the titles in newsagents and bookshops.

pic22Several books will give you a basic introduction to the sport. If you are a beginner, look for a simple 'How To Fish' book to get you started.

Magazines tend to specialise on the different types of fishing with titles such as 'Let's Go Coarse Fishing', 'Improve your Coarse Fishing', 'Fly Fishing', 'Sea Angling and Fishing' to name just a few. Most are monthly publications costing around £2.

UK Fishing World, at http://www.cygnet.co.uk/ukfw/mag.html, is 'Europe's Largest Angling Magazine' on-line and is full of useful information.


Angling and Tackle Shops

pic23Good Angling shops are found in most towns and cities. You may even find there are several to choose from. Look in Yellow Pages under 'Fishing Tackle Shops'.

A good, local angling shop is invaluable. The shopkeeper will almost certainly be a keen fisherman and because he is selling the equipment he will be up-to-date with his information. All retailers are keen to help you get started and will offer some useful advice about equipment, local clubs, where to fish and the licences you need.

Even if you have someone showing you how to fish, it is worth talking to an angling retailer so that you know what's available.


Fishing Clubs

pic24There are good fishing clubs all over the country. Many have a junior membership and some of these clubs provide coaching sessions as well as club evenings and competitions. Most, however, insist that you fish with an adult for your own safety and protection. Clubs provide expertise and support for the young angler and a chance to join in the fun of competitions.

Two sites called Where to Fish on the Net, at http://www.where-to-fish.com/ and UK Angling Guide at http://www.cygnet.co.uk/ukfw/ukguide.html give you the names of clubs throughout the UK.


Organisations and Societies

There are several organisations and societies and all have a role to play in the fishing world.

The National Federation of Anglers,(NFA), coordinates inland competitions and keeps a register of all clubs. They also work closely with the River Authorities to support and maintain local fishing areas and with other official bodies to promote the sport of fishing in the UK. They can be contacted at Haliday House, Eggington Junction, Eggington, Derbyshire DE65 6GU, Tel. 01283 734735
Web site http://www.fire.org.uk/nfa/

pic25The National Federation of Sea Anglers coordinates and promotes all aspects of sea fishing. They can be contacted at NFSA Office, 51A Queen Street, Newton Abbot, Devon TQl2 2QJ Tel:01626 331330

The River Authority for your region can tell you where and when you can fish in your area and the costs involved. All the regional River Authorities and contact addresses are listed on the 'Where to Fish on the Net' web site at http://www.where-to-fish.com/ under National River Authorities.

National Societies or Interested Groups

The International Fly Fishing Association, 2 Golf View, Bearsden, Glasgow G61 4HJ

The England Youth Fly Fishing Association - a non-profit making organisation dedicated to providing low cost, competitive fly fishing for young anglers.
Web site http://members.aol.com/Eyfa/index.htm

The National Association of Specialist Anglers, 2 The Queensway, Old Dalby, Melton Mowbray, Leics. LE14 3QH, Tel: 01664 822 200

Other Societies or Groups

The British Trout Association, 10 Barley Mow Passage, Chiswick, London W4 4PH, Tel: 0181 994 6477

The Salmon and Trout Association, Fishmongers' Hall, London Bridge, London EC4R 9EL, Tel: 0171-283 5838

The British Conger Club, 112 Bearsdown Road, Eggbuckland, Plymouth, Devon PL6 5TT, Tel: 01752 769262 The Grayling Society, 10 Park Road, Salford M6 8HN

The Carp Society, Carp Society Enterprises Ltd, Horseshoe Lake, Burford Road, Lechlade, Glos, GL9 3QQ 01367 253959

The Pike Anglers Club of Great Britain and Ireland, P.O. Box 8262, Irvine, KA11 1SB/ 444 Street, Cambusnethan, N. Lanarkshire, ML2 8QA

The Catfish Conservation Group, CCG Membership Secretary, The Retreat, Heath Lane, Eweshot, Nr Farnham, Surrey. GU10 5AW


The Internet: Web links

pic26 Where to Fish on the Net
A comprehensive site about fishing in the UK

UK Angling Guide
Clubs and stretches of water in the UK

UK Fishing World On-line

National Federation of Anglers

England Youth Fly Fishing Association

Fishing suppliers often use the web to advertise their products. It is a useful way to browse what is available but you should exercise the same caution when buying from this source as you would from any mail order. For a personal service or to compare prices, visit your local tackle shop.

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Last modified on: Tuesday, July 1, 1997.