An example of less effective analysis of the essay question

Sample essay 3: 'Tragedies portray societies which are caught between conflicting value systems.' Discuss with reference to one or more plays.

This is the introduction to the essay:

'Conflicting value systems are always around, especially where death is involved. So in the tragedies of Everyman, Doctor Faustus and Hamlet there are many conflicts to face. These include personal moral conflicts with individual characters of the plays and also opposing values between the different characters in the play.. Conflicting value systems may even stretch to how the audience interprets the play and the beliefs and culture at the time.'

These are excerpts from the main body of the essay:

'In Everyman, we can see that the character 'Everyman' faces a moral dilemma as God summons Everyman by offering Death to take him as his own. This creates conflicting value systems. [...] Even the characters have conflicting value systems.'

Q. How could this be improved?


Firstly, in answering this essay question, the student does not really get to grips with what is meant by 'conflicting value systems', or at least does not show that they understand what is meant by the phrase, either in the introduction or the main body of the essay. (The fact that they repeatedly use the phrase 'conflicting value systems' implies that it is not really understood.) It is important to 'unpack' the question more at the outset, and to define the main terms (in this case, 'value systems') so that you can be really focused in what you write about, rather than being general and vague. A possible re-wording of the question might be: 'How far are tragedies the result of conflicting value systems being at work in the society depicted?'. The question could then be broken down as follows:

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