What is denial of service attack?


Those organisations that depend on the Internet and the web to do all or significant amount of their business are highly vulnerable to attackers whose sole purpose is to bring their systems to a halt or cause the performance of their systems to degrade.  Web-based systems rely on numerous types of hardware and software for their functionality.  Typically routers, firewalls, proxy servers, web servers, and email servers are employed for electronic communication.


Denial of service attack is to use certain types of computer programmes, residing on remote computers to bombard one or a number of components of the system with considerable amount of requests in order to affect the availability and efficiency of the system.  These attacks are invariably launched from computers that are remote to both the attacker and the attacked and one that is usually compromised through an associated security attack.  These attacks could be coordinated with a number of computers attacking one resource or one computer attacking a number of resources.


The point is that interconnected networks, and in particular infrastructure of web-based systems is limited in terms of resources.  Examples of resources are bandwidth, processing power, and storage capacity that are targeted through hacker attack.  The types of organisations that would be highly vulnerable are pure plays (Amazon, eBay, ..), and Internet service providers (Freeserve, AOL, ..).  Usually devices that are attacked are those that regulate traffic on the corporate network.  For example Routers are responsible for routing the packets to the destination.  Bombardment of Routers with unreasonably high number of requests will cause them to slow down, wrongly route the messages, and crash.




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