What is Web spoofing?


We have all heard of con-games.  The prefix 'con' is from the word 'convince'.  In order to con someone, one needs to create an environment in which the victim is convinced to the extent that he or she would ignore the adverse potentials of the situation.  It happens in the physical world all the time.  Think about it next time when you go to the ATM machine.  In the physical world in a shop or a department store through communication and interaction we have developed a sense of recognition and we simply judge whether or not to trust.  The situation is much more complicated in the cyberspace.


The term 'Web spoofing' is given to online con-game.  Using Internet technology the adversary could create a misleading environment in which you quite trustingly forward to the con(wo)man sensitive information such as login code, password, and credit card information.



It begins with the adversary compromising the merchant website.  This could be done using a technique called Domain Name Service spoofing or the bogus site could manage to have a search engine listing to provide a link, seemingly to the merchant site.  User clicks the link believing that he is going to the merchant's site.  One scenario is that traffic could actually be passed on to the merchant site by the bogus server and response could go back to the user from the merchant site via the bogus site.  Another scenario is that traffic stops at the bogus site and response come back to the user from the adversary.  In either case privacy of the user is compromised and sensitive information could be passed on by the user that may be maliciously exploited by the adversary.