IP Address


Currently we use IPv4 (Internet Protocol, version 4) protocol for addressing computers in a network.


It's easy.  Someone decided that it has to be 32 bits.  In binary form an example would be 10010010001110000000000111110011.  32 bits of 1s and 0s.  If we divide this into four parts we can talk about it a bit easier.  ie

10010010      00111000      00000001      11110011.


Or even easier we can convert each part to decimal form and write this example as

146                 56                    1                      243

or in what's called a dot-decimal format as


The first two parts ie 146.56 identify the network.  The rest of it ie 1.243 identify a particular host within that network.  This is just a nice convention that turns this thing into a hierarchical thing.  In computing we seem to like stuff that are hierarchical.  Mind you new ways of thinking are there too.  Anyway you can imagine that the network can have lots of hosts.  Hosts' IP addresses could be     .....     ......

.....  Up to                                  


You get the picture.  Loads of them.  In fact '255x255-2' of them.  Note that included in the list is not  This is because this is reserved to identify the network itself.  Also not included is  This is reserved for the broadcast address of the network.


Pretty inefficient when you think about it.  It's hardly likely that a network would have 65023 hosts.  So somebody came up with what he called 'subnetting' idea.  Well he said we could use the third part of the IP address to indicate part of the network where the host is or a 'sub-network' or for us techy lot a 'sub-net'.  So in this case is a sub-network of the network is also called the subnet mask.  For each subnet there can be 254 hosts.  Remember with subnetting and can no longer be valid host IP addresses because they simply represent the subnet itself and its broadcast address respectively.


Food for thought