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Andy Dearden's Publications


In Press A Dearden, H. Rizvi & S. Gupta. A deeply embedded sociotechnical strategy for designing ICT for development. Accepted for the Journal of SocioTechnology and Knowledge Development, special issue on international development.

In Press M Blythe & A Dearden. Representing Older People: Towards Meaningful Images of the User in Design Scenarios. Accepted to appear in the Journal of Universal Access in the Information Society, special issue on aging.

2007 J Wallace, A Dearden & T Fisher. The Significant Other: The value of jewellery within the conception, design and experience of body focussed digital devices. .AI & Society 22(1) 53 - 62

2006 A. Dearden, Designing as a conversation with digital materials. Design Studies 27(3) 399 - 421.

2006 A Dearden & J. Finlay. Patterns in Human Computer Interaction: A critical review. Human Computer Interaction 21(1), 49 - 102.

2006 J. McCarthy, P. Wright, J. Wallace & A. Dearden. The Experience of Enchantment in Human-Computer Interaction. Personal & Ubiquitous Computing 10(6) 369-378.

2006 A Lauener, F Slack, A Dearden, C Roast, S Yates & S Cassidy, Methodologies for working with older people: pastiche scenarios. Gerontechnology 5(1), 16 - 28

2005 A. Dearden & S. Walker. Editorial: Designing for Civil Society, Special issue of Interacting with Computers 17(1) 1-8.

2000 Andy Dearden, Michael Harrison & Peter Wright Allocation of function: scenarios, context and the economics of effort. International J.ournal of Human Computer Studies 52(2), pp. 289 - 318.

2000 P. Wright, A. Dearden & R. Fields Function Allocation: A perspective from studies of work practice. International Journal of Human Computer Studies 52(2), pp. 335 - 355.

1997 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison A Software Engineering Model for Case Memory Systems. The Computer Journal, 40(4), pp. 167 - 182.

1997 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison Abstract Models for HCI. Int. J. of Human-Computer Studies, 46 (1), 151 - 177.

1997 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison Impact and the Design of the Human-Machine Interface. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 12(2), pp. 19 - 25.

1993 A. M. Dearden & D. G. Bridge Choosing a reasoning style for a knowledge based system: lessons from supporting a help desk. Knowledge Engineering Review, 8(3), 201 - 222.

1992 D. G. Bridge & A. M. Dearden Knowledge Based Systems Support for Help Desk Operations: A Reference Model. Int. J. Systems Research and Information Science, 5, 217 - 234.


2009 A Dearden. Integrating mobile data services into an existing information ecology. Accepted for W3C workshop on: Africa Perspective on the Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social and Economic Development, April 1st – 2nd Maputo, Mozambique.

2008 A. Dearden & H Rizvi. Participatory Design and Participatory Development: A comparative review. In PDC’08: Experiences and Challenges, Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, Indiana University Press, Bloomington: Indiana, pp 81 -91.

2008 A. Dearden & H Rizvi. Adapting Participatory and Agile Software Methods to Participatory Rural Development. In PDC’08: Experiences and Challenges, Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, Indiana University Press, Bloomington: Indiana, pp 221 – 225.

2008 A. Dearden & A. Light. On Social Function: New language for discussing Technology for Social Action. Presented at Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing (DIAC), 26th – 29th June 2008, Berkeley, CA.

2008 A. Dearden & A. Light. Designing for e-Social Action: An Application Taxonomy. Presented at the Design Research Society bi-Annual Conference, Undisciplined!, 16th – 19th July 2008, Sheffield, UK.

2008 Koukouletsos, K., Khazaei, B., Dearden A., & Ozcan, M. Teaching Usability Principles with Patterns and Guidelines. To appear in Proceedings of HCI Educators 2007, Springer, Berlin.

2007 Dearden, A, Rizvi, H & Gupta, S. Community Participation in Interactive Systems Design for Rural Development. Presented at USID 2007, Hyderabad, India, June 18th -19th 2007.

2006 A Dearden, A Lauener, F Slack, C Roast & S Cassidy, Make it so! Jean-Luc Picard, Bart Simpson and the Design of e-Public Services. In G Jacucci, F Kensing, I Wagner & J Blomberg (Eds) Proceedings of PDC 2006: Expanding Boundaries in Design, pp. 67 - 76. ACM Press, 2006.

2006 P. Kotze, K. Renaud K. Koukouletsos, B. Khazaei B and A. Dearden. Patterns, Anti-Patterns and Guidelines - Effective Aids to Teaching HCI Principles? In E T Hvannberg, J C Read, L Bannon, P Kotze, W Wong (Eds) Inventivity: Teaching theory, design and innovation in HCI, Proceedings of HCIEd2006-1, University of Limerick, ISBN: 1874653917, pp. 115 - 120.

2006 A Naghsh, A Dearden & M. Ozcan. Investigating Annotation in Electronic Paper Prototypes. In M.D. Harrison (Ed.) Proceedings of DSVIS 2005, LNCS Vol 3941, Springer: Berlin, pp90 -101.

2005 A. Dearden, S. Walker, L. Watts. Choosing friends carefully: allies for critical computing, Proceedings of the 4th decennial conference on Critical computing: between sense and sensibility Aarhus, Denmark. 1-59593-203-8, pp 133-136. ACM Press

2004 A. Dearden & L. Watts (Eds) Design for Life: Proceedings of HCI 2004: Volume 2, British HCI Group.

2004 A. Dearden, A. Naghsh & M. Ozcan, Support for participation in electronic paper prototyping. In, Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference, pp 105 – 108. CPSR Palo Alto, CA.

2004 Dearden A. & Lo, Chiu. Using Co-operative Evaluation to Explore Travel & Tourism Decision Making. To appear in: Frew, A. (Ed.), Proceedings of ENTER 2004, International conference on IT in travel & tourism, Cairo, Jan 26th - 28th 2004. Springer.

2003 Dearden A. & Walker S. Desiging for Civil Society. In Proceedings of HCI 2003: Designing for Society, Volume 2. Research Press International, Bristol, UK. pp. 157 - 158.

2003 Dearden, A, Siddiqi, J. & Naghsh, A. Using Cognitive Dimensions to Compare Prototyping Techniques. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group. 8th - 10th April, 2003, Keele University.

2002 Finlay, J., Allgar, E., Dearden, A. & McManus, B., Pattern Languages in Participatory Design, in Faulkner, X, Finlay, J. & Detienne, F (eds.), People and Computers XVI - Memorable yet Invisible, Proceedings of HCI2002, pp. 159-174, Springer Verlag: London, 2002.

2002 A. Dearden, J. Finlay, E. Allgar & B. McManus. Using Pattern Languages in Participatory Design. In Binder, T., Gregory, J. & Wagner, I (Eds.) PDC 2002, Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference. CPSR, Palo Alto, CA.,2002. ISBN 0 9667818-2-1. pp. 104 - 113

2002 A. Dearden, J. Finlay, E. Allgar & B. McManus. Evaluating Pattern Languages in Participatory Design. In CHI 2002 Extended Abstracts. ACM Press. pp 664 - 665.

2001 Andy Dearden. IDA-S: A Conceptual Framework for Partial Automation. In Blandford A., & Vanderdonckt, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of IHM-HCI 2001. Springer, Berlin.

2001 Ethics & Mediation in theories of design - returning the role of representation. Presented to 'Voices from the Fringe', workshop at IHM-HCI 2001, Lille, France, September 6th 2001.

2001 A systematic treatment of supervision for use in function allocation. Presented at the 8th IFAC workshop on Automation and Control. Kassel, Germany, September 17 - 20th, 2001.

2000 Patterns and Participation: the relevance of Christopher Alexander's ideas for HCI. Presented to the IFIP Working Group 13.2 workshop on patterns. London, UK, December, 2000.

2000 Using a user interface specification notation in commercial software development. Presented to the workshop on Design, Specification, and Verification of Interactive Systems. Limerick, Ireland, June 5th - 6th 2000.

1999 Tony Griffiths, Michael Harrison & Andy Dearden. Case-based Reasoning Systems for Knowledge Mediation. In Sasse, A. & Johnson, C. (Eds.) Interact '99, pp. 425-433. IOS Press, Amsterdam.

1998 Andrew Dearden and Steve Howard Capturing user requirements and priorities for innovative interactive systems. Presented at OZCHI '98.

1998 Steve Howard and Andrew Dearden Innovating Usable Software: Integrating QFD with the Soft Systems Methodology. In Proceedings of the World Innovation in Software Conference 98 / International Symposium on QFD 98.

1997 A. M. Dearden & P. C. Wright Experiences using situated and non-situated techniques for studying work in context. In S. Howard, J. Hammond & G Lindgaard (eds.), Human-Computer Interaction. Interact '97, pp. 429 - 436. Chapman & Hall, London.

1997 B. Fields & N. A. Merriam & A. M. Dearden. DMVIS: Design, Modelling and Validation of Interactive Systems. In, M.D. Harrison & J-C Torres (eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Eurographics Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems. Springer, Berlin.

1997 J. C. McCarthy, P. C. Wright, P. G. T. Healey, A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison. Locating the scene: the particular and the general in ambulance control. In, S. C. Hayne & W. Prinz (eds.), Group '97, pp. 101 - 110. ACM, New York.

1997 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison Using Executable Interactor Models to Explore the Impact of Operator Interaction Errors. In Peter Daniel (ed.), SafeComp ' 97, pp 123 - 137. Springer, Berlin.

1996 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison Impact and the Design of the Human-Machine Interface. In Compass 96, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Assurance. pp 161 - 170, ISBN 07803-3390-X, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.

1996 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison Risk Analysis, Impact and Interaction Modelling. In F Bodart & J Vanderdonckt (eds.), Proceedings of DSVIS 96, pp. 229 - 247. Springer, Vienna.

1996 Andrew Dearden & Michael Harrison Impact as a Human-Factor in Interactive System Design. In Felix Redmill & Tom Anderson (eds.), Safety-critical Systems: The Convergence of High Tech and Human Factors, pp 184 - 199, Springer, Berlin.

1995 A. M. Dearden & M. D. Harrison Modelling Interaction Properties for Interactive Case Memories. In F. Paterno' (ed.), Interactive Systems : Design, Specification and Verification pp 301 - 316. Springer, Berlin.

1995 Andrew Dearden Improving the Interfaces to Interactive Case Memories. In Ian D Watson (ed.), Progress in Case Based Reasoning, No. 1020 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 73 - 84. Springer, Berlin.

1995 Andrew Dearden & Michael Harrison Formalising Human Error Resistance and Human Error Tolerance. In Guy Boy (ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence in Aerospace Systems. EURISCO, Toulouse.


2008 A Dearden, R. de Paula, C. Oyogi, H. Rizvi, H. Winschiers. Participatory design and participatory development. Panel scheduled at PDC 2008, 1st – 4th October, 2008.

2008N. Simbavasian, A Dearden et al., HCI for Community and International Development. Workshop atCHI 2008, 5th 10th - April 2008, Florence, Italy.

2008 A. Dearden et al., Building an International Community: Designing Interactive Systems for/ with Communities in the Developing World. Workshop at DIS 2008, Cape Town, South Africa

2007A. Dearden et al., User Centred Design & International Development. Workshop at CHI 2007, in CHI '07 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, pp 2825 - 2828. ACM Press.

2005P. Wild, A. Light, A. Dearden & M. Muller. Quality, Values & Choice in HCI. Workshop at CHI 2005, April 2nd – 7th, 2005, Portland, Oregon, USA.

2004 A. Light, A. Blandford, G. Cockton, A. Dearden & J. Finlay. Values in HCI: What drives our Practice. In, Dearden & Watts (Eds) Proceedings of HCI 2004: Volume 2, pp211 - 212, British HCI Group.

2003A. Dearden & S. Walker. Designing for Civil Society. Workshop at HCI 2003. In Johnson, H., Watts, L. & Gray, P. (Eds) Proceedings of HCI 2003, Volume 2 pp 157 - 158. British HCI Group.


2005 A. Dearden & S. Walker (Eds.) Designing for Civil Society, Special issue of Interacting with Computers 17(1).

2004 A. Dearden & L. Watts (Eds.) Design for Life: Proceedings of HCI 2004: Volume 2, British HCI Group, ISBN: 1-897851-13-8.


2008 P. Radin & A. Dearden. On-line medical self help groups. In Schuler, D (Ed.), Liberating Voices! A Pattern Language for Living Communication. MIT Press

2008 A. Dearden & S. Fletcher. Meaningful Maps. In Schuler, D (Ed.), Liberating Voices! A Pattern Language for Living Communication. MIT Press

2004 J. Wallace & A. Dearden, Understanding Digital Jewellery as Experience. In, Isomaki, H., Pirhonen, A., Roast, C., Saariluoma, P., (Eds.) Future Interaction Design, pp. 193 – 216. Springer.


2006 Dearden, A., Lauener, A. & Reeve, K., Evaluation of the 1-to-1-Sheffield Project. Communication & Computing Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University.

2004 Dearden, A, Hafeez, K, Morgan, G & Slack, F. Appraisal of Options for a Regional Intelligence and Research Resource for the Voluntary and Community Sector. Communication & Computing Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University.


1995 A. M. Dearden. The use of Formal Models in the Design of Interactive Case Memory Systems. DPhil thesis, University of York.