Downloadable files in support of PowerPoint; 

Interactive PowerPoint

Go to the Interactive PowerPoint page...


To download a file click on its name with the right mouse button and choose "Save Target as" or "Save link As" depending upon the browser you are using. It is a good idea to save the data to either a new folder or a floppy disk, its quite frustrating to download something then not remember where it's been stored!

Other Files available; 

Making posters using PowerPoint. This is not a presentation but a couple of posters created using PowerPoint, they give some hints about using PowerPoint for making posters and also includes a slide of web links to some examples and extra resources.

HINTs on presenting with powerpoint.doc - a MS Word document with a list of considerations for those intending to share the stage with PowerPoint.

How to avoid big files when using pictures in PowerPoint - a presentation that covers the basics of storing pictures as JPEG not bitmap.