Downloadable data files in support of the MS Access assignment; 
Files available; 

About designing a database.doc - a Word document about designing databases.

sidneysimpleproject.mdb - an example of a very simple, minimalist attempt at the project.

sidneysimpleproject.doc - an example of documentation for a very simple project.

cathycomplexproject.mdb - a more complex interpretation, with a few interesting features.

assignment.doc - the assignment brief.

The Northwind file is available over the Internet. The file downloads as a compressed file to save time. Save it to disk then Double-click it from within Windows Explorer to expand it.

To download a file click on its name with the right mouse button and choose "Save Target as" or "Save link As" depending upon the browser you are using. It is a good idea to save the data to either a new folder or a floppy disk, its quite frustrating to download something then not remember where it's been stored - especially if it's on your phone bill!