Downloading Files.

the following link gives a good example of downloading a file:

Examples to try out.

To download a file and choose where to store it on disk, click on its name with the right mouse button and choose "Save Target as" or "Save link As" depending upon the browser you are using. It is a good idea to save the data to either a new folder or a floppy disk. Clicking on a file link with the usual (left) mouse button will attempt to open the file immediately - try both.

Example of a sound (.wav) file to try whistldn.wav about 51KB

Example of a moving picture (.avi) file to try cogs.avi about 202KB

Example of a picture (.jpg) file to try tools.jpg about 20KB

Example of the same picture in the less efficient (.bmp) file format to try tools.bmp about 514KB (so don't try this one at home when its peak phone rate!)

The illustration shows how the files will appear in Windows Explorer. If software is associated with the filetype then it has a logo attached, notice the file with no associated filetype.

ZIP files (.zip) - are compressed files that need WinZip or similar software to uncompress them, they can contain many other files. There are examples of these on this site.