the book bibliography glossary inns proverbs signs selections gallery chronology links

This site contains all things related to the pub and literature, and much more besides. It owes its genesis to the book, The Pub in Literature: England's Altered State (Manchester University Press, 2000) which looks at how inns, taverns, alehouses and pubs have appeared in literature from Chaucer to the present day. Below is a description of the menu items at the top of the page.


'Book' gives an overview of the chapters and brief descriptions. The bibliography includes all things drink related. The glossary has definitions related to drinks, drinking and brewing. Inns has a list of many famous (usually historical) hostelries (with some information on coffee-houses). Proverbs contains a collection of biblical and classical allusions to drink, and Signs gives information about inn signs.

Selections has passages as featured in the book and many others : Chaucer, Langland, Shakespeare, Pepys, Ned Ward, Goldsmith, Dickens...It also includes some passages from medical, moral, legal and social writing.

Gallery has work from the illustrators William Hogarth, and Robert and George Cruikshank.

Chronology has the dates of significant drink-related legislation and other important events.


I hope you enjoy browsing.